A great day had at Downton Cuckoo Fair on Sat 30 April last.  It was wonderful to be back and able to do what I do best apart from paint, chat to people!!

Very well attended, really busy and a whole box of business cards were given out!  Hoping to hear from some of you lovely people I talked to about their gorgeous pets.  So many inlcuding an ambulance lady who competes with her Cob horse in dressage against other government services such as police, fire service, army, navy and airforce.  Very interesting, especially when I have painted for two naval competitors in the past too.  Having painted two already for one of these and when I got home there was a message that she would like another, what a coincidence.

I also chatted to someone who has a multipoo!  Never heard of this breed before!  And two or three people who have dogs of a certain age that feel they must get on and have a portrait done having had them as loyal companions for at least 12/13 years now.

So I hope to hear from all of you!

I loved my new banner too that my printers did for me at very short notice!  Thank you so much Alex at Diguru https://diguru-uk.com/




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