Emotional collection

My client picked this up this week.  So emotional, it was the best response.  A lost best friend, too early too so very sad but such a lovely thing to do for a very lovely returning client.

Inspiration for some different sort of painting

Still loving and learning.  Online classes and live workshops I attend regularly to keep me challenged and try to get to grips with colour and brush strokes. Jamel Akib introduces us to artists with different styles.  Recently I’ve painted these using my own...

An Unusual iPet!

Most of the commissions I have received recently are all for Christmas presents so can not post them yet.  One I had back in October I can reveal was for a wedding, so something really different which I mentioned in my last newsletter.  I was recommended by a previous...

Feeling Very Proud

this is one of my pupils iPet Drawings.  Started tutoring in October 2021 every other week.  Vicky is mastering the art of drawing on an iPad having not had any lessons technically nor artistically before!  The challenges are even greater having to learn the tools of...

Downton Cuckoo Fair

A great day had at Downton Cuckoo Fair on Sat 30 April last.  It was wonderful to be back and able to do what I do best apart from paint, chat to people!! Very well attended, really busy and a whole box of business cards were given out!  Hoping to hear from some of...
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